Sunday, June 17, 2012

Reviving a Blog - through the great art of tag-teaming

Us at a friend's beach wedding .
We see the great value of a blog. It gives us the opportunity to connect with YOU, dear people. Forgive our neglect- it has little to do with internet connection, and little to do with time, but everything to do with MENTAL ENERGY. There was something that shifted for us in March… we moved to the “Kampung” (Village) and as we did this we shifted our focus from dorm parenting to language study. In May Greg started formal language school at a place called IMLAC. He actually tested into Unit 3 which was a huge accomplishment coming from just going through tutoring the 4 months prior. Now in June, Greg and I have pressed into the world of Unit 4 (this is where I tested into, since I knew some language from my years growing up here, but have so much still to learn,) and we get to read essays in the day, and write essays in the night, definitely a new level of challenge as we studying bahasa Indonesia.
Language school is even more mentally draining than we prepared for, requiring at least one nap a day. So this is the main reason for our neglect of the blog. But we have missed you, and some of you have said that you miss the blog- so here we are.
Our attempt is mainly going to be made up of the art of tag-team writing. You all have mainly heard from Greg the first few months. Wasn’t it great? His “voice” is so worthy of being heard. I loved reading all his posts because I got to see more of his perspective than ever before, and loved hearing him express himself.  So much that I often didn’t write because of the desire to not interrupt. (If you know us, you already know that I am more of the chatty one in this couple.) And yet, we are a team, so to make this happen Greg and I are going to have to work together. We have ideas of what that will look like, but are not sure of how that will play out. But here we are…
Are you ready for season number dua (2) of the "Evans in Indonesia"?

1 comment:

  1. #1--love the picture of you two! You make that dress look really good Jen :)

    #2--thinking of you during language study! so exhausting but oh so worth it! asking for continued motivation and improvement!!
