Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pic A Day May - Rain Gear?

 Here you have Elana (one of dear teammates) and I modeling the usual wear during rainy season.  On the left I am sporting a size large rain suit with trendy dual colored reflecting stripes that wrap around the chest and arms.  On the right Elana is wearing a poncho in a slightly darker shade of blue, but still sporting those "flashy" reflecting stripes .  Both sets of rain gear come with hoods that only a small child can fit their heads in comfortably.  The "breath-ablility" of both sets is beyond abysmal, which is perfect if you ever want to have a sauna but aren't ever near one.
This gear was purchased in our first months here, since our "sepeda" (bike) was our main mode of transportation, and we came right in the middle rainy season. 
This was our first uniform- check back tomorrow for Jennifer's 2nd uniform...

1 comment:

  1. oh! we laughed and laughed and laughed :0) love you guys
    tbjb muchmore
