Monday, October 24, 2011

T-8 Days and Counting

We have made it to the Evans (Greg's parents) house for our final days before leaving.
Pray for this time to be sweet and full of life and excitement.
Pray for all the little details we need to get done to GET DONE- we need energy and focus, and both of those are pretty low on our resource list right now.
Pray for rest and health in these days leading up to take off. It is hard to even think straight right now- and we need to as we finalize travel details, decide on what to pack and what to leave behind. Do I leave behind a few shirts to pack the vitamins that are so expensive there? Do we pack the sentimental things or just the practical? We don't really fit into regular Indonesian sizes- so how do you pack enough clothes for 31 months in four 40 lbs. bags? You'd think we'd have this down to an art by now- and yet, we don't. It is still chaos for me. Still one of my least favorite things to do.
And how do you still stay connected to Jesus in all of this? I think He has opinions on even the tedious tasks of packing and moving. And yet, will I set aside my opinions long enough, and listen enough, to hear them?
  Need to sleep...but full of gratitude to anyone who cares enough about our journey to read this blog, and join us in this count down. And thank you for giving us grace as we work out, awkwardly, what it means to write a blog, as the Evans. I keep thinking I have to write something that is profound, something "tweet worthy", quotable...but really life is not always made up of that kind of stuff, and this is our life. Us. Jesus. You guys. It is raw, and real, and sometimes mundane. But this is us.

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