Saturday, January 28, 2012

Our House!!!

So "home" for Jennifer and I up until this point in our marriage has been a relative term.  I can't say that any of the six buildings we lived in for six varying lengths of time actually ever felt like our home.  Each one does hold some of the most vivid of memories that mark the highs and lows that we have shared over the last five and half years though.  In March one more place will be added to the list. This country, this people, this house, this is the LORD's plan for us so that makes it home.

Yes come March we will be moving out of the dorm and off campus.  This move will take us to our new house in the kampung (neighborhood) where we will live amongst the beautiful people of Indonesia. 

Now Jennifer and I want to show you the house we are going to be moving into, but the last video I put up was pretty boring to say the least.  If you don't remember which one that was- do the words "pineapple in the vending machine" ring a bell?  Ok, so, with that video still fresh in my mind, I knew that the possibility of this walk-through turning out just as boring was... well... ginormous.  However I felt the need to put this video up because back home any time someone moves into a new house everyone asks to see it, whether they really want to or not.  I don't know why we do this, because unless we are interior decorators and thinking about how we could have made things look better than the person living there has, there is a good chance that we are just going to endure the walk through and only try memorize where the bathroom is in case there is an emergency. 

Anyway for all you interior decorators that are reading this we are taking suggestions on how to make this house look GOOOOOD!  As for the those of you that aren't Martha Stuart or even like Martha Stuart, but would still like to see the house we are moving into in March please come on in.  I also know there are at least one or two of you that are like me and aren't a bit interested in seeing someone else's house and you are just thinking of enduring the walk-through to be polite.  If this is you I just want to let you off the hook here and say that my feelings will not be hurt if you don't want to watch the video.  Once again, Mom you don't have a choice. 

I feel the need to clarify that the school is going to do a bit more touching up here and there on the house as well as repainting all the walls back to a base cream color for us.  Again any helpful suggestions from all you interior decorators will be greatly appreciated.


  1. Wow! I've been in your house! I had dinner there with the Greg and Martha, and William and Stacy.

    1. Since you know where we live then you will have to stop by.

  2. Walking through your house makes me think of a bags of Tropical Fruits Skittles. :) Nice tangerine, lime, and, well... whatever that blue flavored one is. ENJOY tasting the rainbow!

  3. I like it! Okay, which room will I be in when I come visit? :D
    Mary Cr. MGBC

  4. Mary we would love for you to come visit and at this point I think we are planning on of the rooms across the hall from the second bathroom to be our guestroom.
