Friday, January 20, 2012

A Snow Day? In Indo?

So I woke up this morning at 5:00 to go out for yet another of my morning bike rides with Sid, but this morning was ever so slightly unusual.  You could feel it as soon as you stepped outside.  I even double checked to make sure that my senses weren't deceiving me.  Sure enough the temperatures were cool enough that I was able to see my breath!  The early risers who were out and about were wearing coats and jackets.  I even saw one of the guards at the gate in front of school wearing a toboggan to stay warm.   I was loving it!  It kind of reminded me of being back at my old Kentucky home.

Anyway... the big news is that there ended up being no school today because of snow!  Can you believe it?  A snow day at a school that is little more than a stone's throw from the equator!  I couldn't either! 

Sorry, but I've got to stop now.  If I try to pull your leg any more you may end up walking in circles for the rest of the week.  It really was cool enough to see your breath this morning though, which is pretty much freezing to Indonesians.

We did have a snow day today at MICS, and no teachers or students could be found in the classrooms, reason being that it was a field day.  The theme of the field day was "Snow Day".  I think this snow day could possibly go down in history as one of the greatest snowless snow days ever.  The students and teachers were split up into teams who competed in games and completed tasks to earn snowballs.  There was an Ice Princess running around giving extra snowballs to the teams showing good sportsmanship or for singing "You Are My Sunshine" to her while doing a funky dance.  Jack Frost even made an appearance or two as he tried to steal as many snowballs as possible from teams.  There was also lots of tobogganing, and ice fishing, and a large provision of hot chocolate amongst other things.

The school superintendent and I got to oversee the tobogganing game.  It was quite fun to see students from elementary through high school working together in the competitions to earn snowballs. 

So even though I have been missing the actual cold, white, icy snow that enables you to make actual snowballs and keeps you inside with loved ones, I would still like to declare today's snow day a success!  In my book, any future snow days shall be received with a warm welcome.

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