Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Welcome Home!

Caption: This is what we arrived to when we stepped into my parent's home on our first night in Indonesia.
If you know my mom, this will not be a surprise to you. She celebrates well, and she celebrates big. And she really does it when it comes to her kids. They have been praying with us for all these years as we knew from God that He had plans for us in Indonesia-and yet as the road was different and seemed longer than we ever imagined it would be- both our faith and theirs was stretched. Now we see his timing is perfect. There is so much "story" that could be written about this picture, especially about the idea of coming "home"- returning to the country you grew up in, but as an adult...there is so much "unexpected" that has come up with that. 14 years of life as a child here is significant, but so is the 10 years away.  Our only constant is Jesus- and we give "all praise to Jesus Christ our Lord."

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